
Showing posts from 2024


Kinda regret upgrading Ubuntu to beta version.


I have been using bun for a while now but when the creator, Jarred Sumner, added a feature that would to break some other tools, I decided to go back to using npm .


When I was introduced Linux in college, vim was the first editor I used to edit text files. Since then, it's still my favorite editor.


I'm back using google search after realizing that duckduckgo is slow, like 5 seconds slow.


Kinda weird some people blame xz for being an open source program. Imagine how many closed source program you have installed on your PC without knowing its source code.


After doing so much Svelte(Kit), I'm gonna learn ReactJS by doing without learning some basics.


Wrote a new blog post about using Cloudflare again. Yeah, I moved my blog again and this time I bought a new (cheap) domain.


finally used cloudflare after being tired of dealing with bots, especially ai bots. somehow, access from hong kong can not be ruled out. someone smart is using alibaba cloud and bypassing cloudflare js challange and interative challange.


Just found out that you can compile java app to native app using GraalVM .


Still haven't found the best solution for uploading images (or files) in SvelteKit using adapter-node without using another library such as express .


If I had been introduced to Gnome instead of KDE when I was in college, maybe my life path would have been different.


US President Joe Biden’s administration wants software developers to use memory-safe programming languages and ditch vulnerable ones like C and C++. — InfoWorld I thought cancel culture was bad, but now we see the (western) government canceling two programming languages.


In this era of artificial intelligence, it is a bit of a worry to store data in the cloud because it will be used to train models.


I moved my blog to new address again. Well... actually to a new subdomain because I want to use the root domain for my main project. Follow this link:


This might be old news. I just realized postgresql uses less RAM than mysql . For future project, definitely I'm gonna ditch mysql .


GPU-accelerated terminals usually don't have features like the usual terminals such as splitting the window. Luckily there is tmux though it is a bit confusing at first.


Rate limiting my website in nginx doesn't really help prevent others accessing it aggressively.


I think it's time to have to a domain to host all my hobby projects and blog. Go visit . Since it's cheap, I can pay for this one annually.


Entah kenapa dari sepanjang pengalamanku menjadi seorang programmer, aku tidak kepikirin untuk membuat start page sendiri. Dengan bikin aku bisa menaruh semua tautan yang sering kukunjungi dengan sesuka hati. Laman ini aku buat dengan menggunakan SvelteKit, meta framework  yang lebih manusiawi dibandingkan dengan Next.js.